CCPS Child Find:
Charlotte County Public Schools is attempting to identify, locate, and evaluate any child currently residing in Charlotte County (birth to age 21, inclusive) who may have disabilities and may need special education and related services. In an effort to provide the statutory right to free and appropriate education to all individuals eligible for special services (ages 2 through 21, inclusive). For more information about Child Find, please contact:
Jamie Brown Jackson
Director of Special Programs
Charlotte County Public Schools
600 David Bruce Building
Charlotte Court House, VA 23923
Phone: 434-542-9503
Special Education
Charlotte County Public Schools are committed to providing all children with disabilities a broad spectrum of educational opportunities. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) mandates that all students with disabilities be afforded a free and appropriate public education to all students ages 2-21. Educational services must be provided in the student's least restrictive environment. This means that to the greatest extent possible, given the educational needs of a child, each child with a disability will be educated and participate in other school activities with their non-disabled peers. Special education is specially designed instruction, at no cost to the parent (s), to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability. Charlotte County Public Schools provides individualized instruction to eligible children that address the unique needs of the child as a result of the child's disability. Charlotte County Public Schools ensures access of the child to the general curriculum, to ensure that the child has an opportunity to meet or exceed the educational standards.
A child may be found eligible for special education services in the following areas: Autism, Deafness, Deaf-Blindness, Developmental Delay, Emotional Disability, Hearing Impairment, including Deafness, Intellectual Disability, Multiple Disabilities, Orthopedic Impairment, Other Health Impairment, Specific Learning Disability, Speech or Language Impairment, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Visual Impairment, including Blindness.
Gifted Education
Charlotte County Public Schools recognizes that within its population, each student is a unique individual who has the right to be provided with educational opportunities geared toward their individual differences, exceptional abilities, interests, and needs. CCPS is committed to providing Gifted/Talented learners an educational program that provides opportunities for enhanced, differentiated academic instruction and enrichment across a board range of disciplines.
The identification, an ongoing process, is conducted by the school system through periodic screenings. Teachers, parents, students, or a community member may submit a referral. Once a referral is made, the parent must consent for the student to be evaluated. Once all components of the evaluation have been completed, the Identification/Placement committee considers all assessments/components of the child’s demonstrated ability and intellectual aptitude, achievement, and student products for acceptance into the Gifted/Talented Program If a student is found eligible, with parental permission, he/she can begin to participate in the specifically designed instruction.
Each year, our division must report the status of Gifted Education to our local school board. This is compiled and submitted with the approval of our Local Advisory Committee for Exceptional Students. Every five years, our division must submit a Local Plan for the Education of the Gifted to the Virginia Department of Education, detailing our program guidelines and procedures.
Please click on this link for the 2018-2023 Charlotte County Public Schools Gifted Plan.
2023-2028 Gifted Plan
Gifted Coordinator
Shep Critzer
Charlotte County Public Schools
600 David Bruce Building
Charlotte Court House, VA 23923
Phone: 434-542-9503