
Getting Started in Charlotte County Public Schools

To help ensure that schools and students are well prepared for the first day of school, parents are encouraged to register their child or children as soon as possible. Registration for pre-kindergarten and kindergarten starts in February for the new school year. By doing this, our schools and teachers will be equipped and ready to make each student's first day pleasant and productive.

To enter pre-kindergarten, your child must be 4 years old by September 30 of the current school year and reside in Charlotte County with a parent or legal guardian.

To enter kindergarten, your child must be 5 years old by September 30 of the current school year and reside in Charlotte County with a parent or legal guardian.

If you are enrolling your child for the first time in a Charlotte County school, please contact our Transportation Coordinator at 434-542-5659, to find out which school serves your neighborhood.


Enrollment of Children in Foster Care

Please contact the Foster Care Liaison: Duffie Jones

Address: 250 Legrande Ave
                P O Box 790
               Charlotte Court Ho
use, VA  23923

Phone:   (434) 542-5151

Email:    [email protected]

Entrance Requirements

Immunization Records

No pupil shall be admitted by a school in the Commonwealth unless at the time of admission the student or his parent or guardian submits documentary proof of immunization to the admitting official of the school. (Section 22.1-271.2 of the Code of Virginia)

Parents should bring the immunization record to the school the child will be attending. Two MMRs (measles) are required for students in kindergarten through grade 12. The Hepatitis B three-shot series is required by Virginia State Law for all students born on or after 1/1/94. If you have questions, please call the school nurse at 434-542-4463.
Immunization Requirements

Certified Birth Certificate

No pupil shall be admitted for the first time to any public school in any school division in the Commonwealth unless the person enrolling the pupil shall present, upon admission, a certified copy of the pupil's birth record. (Section 22.1-3.1 of the Code of Virginia)

If you do not have an official birth certificate, one can be obtained by contacting the Bureau of Vital Statistics and sending in a processing fee of $12.00. The record from the hospital is not admissible.

Proof of Legal Residence

Students will be admitted to school based on their legal residence. (Section 22.1-3.2 of the Code of Virginia)

Items accepted as proof of residence:

• Lease/Contract/Mortgage on legal residence
• Current utility bills - Must show name, current date and address (i.e., electric, gas, water, sanitation)
• Notarized address verification form

Physical Examination

Students admitted for the first time to any Charlotte County Public Schools (Pre K through grade 5), are required to provide a comprehensive physical examination, signed by a licensed physician or nurse practitioner, performed within twelve months of the initial enrollment date.

*For students transferring into Charlotte County Public Schools K-5, a copy of a physical examination in their cumulative record which meets the above requirements will be accepted.

Individual Educational Plan (IEP)
A copy must be provided if a student is receiving special educational services.

Child's Social Security Number
(Preferred, but not required)

To enroll an older child, parents must present the above information plus the latest report card (if available) and the complete address of the previous school to allow Charlotte County Public Schools to obtain school records.

These enrollment and registration forms are available at all of the schools and are also linked here for your convenience:

As of January 27, 2017, our forms are being updated.  New links will be posted as soon as possible.  Thank you for your patience.

Attendance Policy

Ages of Children Required to Attend

Every child who has reached his/her fifth birthday on or before September 30 of any school year and who has not passed his/her eighteenth birthday shall attend a public, private, denominational, parochial school, or be taught by a tutor or a teacher meeting the qualifications of the Board of Education and approved by the Division Superintendent, or be provided home instruction in accordance with State Law and Board policy, or be granted an exemption from school attendance under the provisions of State law and Board policy. Every school board shall have power to appoint one or more attendance officers who shall be charged with the enforcement of the provisions of this article.

Whenever any pupil fails to report to school on a regularly scheduled school day and no indication has been received by school personnel that the pupil's parent or guardian is aware of the pupil's absence, a reasonable effort to notify by telephone the parent or guardian shall be made by the attendance officer, other school personnel or volunteers organized by the school administration for this purpose.

Legal Refs.: Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, Secs. 22.1 254, 22.1-254.1, 22.1-255, 22.1-256, 22.1-258, 22.1-261, through 22.1-265


Absentees are to be investigated by school personnel on a daily basis. Telephone calls or letters will be sent to parents and documentation of such action will be retained in the student's file.

Excused Absences
Students who are absent must bring a note to the school within 5 days of the absence to be considered "excused". Acceptable reasons for students' absence from school include:
• Student illness/doctor's appointment with note
• Court notification
• Death in family
• Religious holiday

Unexcused Absences
Students with 5 unexcused absences will be placed on an attendance plan. The attendance plan will be developed by the principal, parent/guardian and student. Additional school personnel (i.e.
guidance counselor) may also participate in the development of the attendance plan. If the student has an additional unexcused absence, for a total of 6 unexcused absences, the parents/guardians will be required to attend a conference with the principal to discuss and review the attendance plan.
Once a student has a total of 7 unexcused absences, the following actions may be taken:
• Filing a complaint with the juvenile and domestic relations court for truancy as defined in VA Code §16.1-228; or
• Instituting a proceeding against the parent/guardian pursuant to VA Code §18.2-371 or 22.1262; and/or
• Referring the case to the School Social Worker.
Please note that students who do not go on field trips and do not attend school will be counted absent. Additionally, a student will not be considered to have perfect attendance if he/she has been tardy or has left school early.

Parental Responsibility

Excerpted from the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended 22.1-279.3. Parental responsibility and involvement requirements.

A. Each parent of a student enrolled in a public school has a duty to assist the school in enforcing the standards of student conduct and attendance in order that education may be conducted in an atmosphere free of disruption and threat to persons or property, and supportive of individual rights.

B. A school board shall provide opportunities for parental and community involvement in every school in the school division.

C. Within one calendar month of the opening of school, each school board shall, simultaneously with any other materials customarily distributed at that time, send to the parents of each enrolled student (i) a notice of the requirements of this section and (ii) a copy of the school board's standards of student conduct. These materials shall include a notice to the parents that by signing the statement of receipt, parents shall not be deemed to waive, but to expressly reserve, their rights protected by the constitutions or laws of the United States or the Commonwealth and that a parent shall have the right to express disagreement with a school's or school division's policies or decisions. Each parent of a student shall sign and return to the school in which the student is enrolled a statement acknowledging the receipt of the school board's standards of student conduct school shall maintain records of such signed statements.

D. The school principal may request the student's parent to meet with the principal or his designee to review the school board's standards of student conduct and the parent's responsibility to participate with the school in disciplining the student and maintaining order, and to discuss improvement of the child's behavior and educational progress.

E. In accordance with 22.1- 277 and the guidelines required by 22. 1-278, the school principal may notify the parents of any student who violates a school board policy when such violation could result in the student's suspension, whether or not the school administration has imposed such disciplinary action. The notice shall state (i) the date and particulars of the violation; (ii) the obligation of the parent to take actions to assist the school in improving the student's behavior; and (iii) that, if the student is suspended, the parent may be required to accompany the student to meet with school officials.

F. No suspended student shall be admitted to the regular school program until such student and his parent have met with school officials to discuss improvement of the student's behavior, unless the school principal or his designee determines that readmission, without parent conference, is appropriate for the student.

G. Upon the failure of a parent to comply with the provisions of this section, the school board may, by petition to the juvenile and domestic relations court, proceed against such parent for willful and unreasonable refusal to participate in efforts to improve the student's behavior, as follows:

1. If the court finds that the parent has willfully and unreasonably failed to meet, pursuant to a request of the principal as set forth in subsection D of this section, to review the school board's standards of student conduct and the parent's responsibility to assist the school in disciplining the student and maintaining order, and to discuss improvement of the child's behavior and educational progress, it may order the parent to meet; or

2. If the court finds that the parent has willfully and unreasonably failed to accompany a suspended student to meet with the school officials pursuant to subsection F, or upon the student's receiving a second suspension or being expelled, it may order (i) the student or his parent to participate in such programs or such treatment as the court deems appropriate to improve the student's behavior or (ii) the student or his parent to be subject to such conditions and limitations as the court deems appropriate for the supervision, care, and rehabilitation of the student or his parent. In addition, the court may order the parent to pay civil penalty not to exceed $500.

H. The civil penalties established pursuant to this section shall be enforceable in the juvenile and domestic relations court in which the student's school is located and shall be paid into a fund maintained by the appropriate local governing body to support programs or treatments designed to improve behavior of students as described in subdivision 3 of subsection G. Upon the failure to pay the civil penalties imposed by this section, the attorney for the appropriate county, city, or town shall enforce the collection of such civil penalties.

I. All references in this section to the juvenile and domestic relations court shall be also deemed to mean any successor in interest of such court.

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