Algebra I Qualifications:
* teacher recommendation
* Math 7 year-end grade
* Math 7 SOL score passing to accelerated
Students receiving teacher recommendations are ranked by their 7th-grade MAth year-end grade and Math 7 SOL score. Students are given a letter to accept enrollment into ALgebra I in 8th grade until the course reaches capacity.
9th Grade Associate’s Degree Cohort
The following are the entrance requirements to be considered for the 9th-grade associate's degree cohort:
* Complete and pass Algebra I in the 8th grade
* Complete and pass Algebra I SOL in the 8th grade
* Complete the Virginia Placement Test given by SVCC at the end of 8th grade
8th graders who are enrolled in Algebra I will receive a letter inviting them to apply for the Associate’s Degree Cohort. The criteria for consideration are that the student has an established High School GPA, is enrolled in Algebra I, and sit for a placement test during their 8th-grade year. Students are ranked by their GPA, placement test score, Algebra I performance & SOL test score. The top 20 candidates are selected for participation in the cohort over the summer before freshman year. Students who are not selected for this opportunity could still be considered for Dual Enrollment classes during high school.